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Get Involved

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Work with NWEA

  • Attend NWEA meetings

  • Serve as a leader in your building

  • Participate in committee work

  • Run for office

  • Participate in collective bargaining

  • Receive local grievance and building representative training 


Contact NWEA to get involved at​


Oregon Education Association

Happy Kids Huddle

OEA Foundation 

The OEA Foundation provides educators with up to $100 grants to help students meet basic, urgent and immediate needs so they can succeed in school. Cash grants from the Foundation fill needs unmet by any other source.


You can give to the OEA Foundation through monthly payroll deduction at NWRESD.   


For more information about the OEA Foundation, contact your

NWEA Co-Presidents. 



Women Holding Hands

OEA Political Action Commitee

OEA PAC is OEA’s political action committee (PAC) – made up every OEA member who makes a voluntary contribution.  Together with The NEA Fund for Children and Public Education, it allows you to combine your investment with thousands of other members to elect lawmakers who care about public education as much as we do. 
How can my contribution of $100 make a difference?
Over 10,000 of your fellow members have taken the challenge and give between $25 and $150 to OEA PAC every year.  This makes OEA PAC one of the largest PACs in the state, giving recommended candidates over $800,000 in each of the last two elections.
Don’t membership dues already pay for this?
No.  Dues don’t support candidates running for elected office. OEA/NEA involvement in these political campaigns are funded solely through voluntary contributions from members.
Your contribution to OEA PAC is eligible for the Oregon Political Tax Credit!


You can give to the OEA PAC through monthly payroll deductions at NWRESD. 


Get in touch today and get involved with our cause.

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